Uniqueness of derivative of an entire function that shares pair values with derivative of its difference operator

The main objective of this article is to examine the uniqueness of \(k\)th derivative of transcendental entire function and \(i\)th derivative of its difference operator that share pair values \((\alpha_{1}, \alpha_{2})\), 0 IM and zeros of \(k\)th derivative of transcendental entire function contained in \(i\)th derivative of its difference operator. Meanwhile all of which greatly generalizes the outcomes obtained by X. Huang [11] and L. Sheng [16].
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:
entire function, difference operator, sharing pair values
Author Details
Renukadevi S. Dyavanal
Department of Mathematics
Karnatak University
Dharwad – 580003, India
e-mails: rsdyavanal@kud.ac.in, renukadyavanal@gmail.com
Shakuntala B. Kalakoti
Department of Mathematics
Karnatak University
Dharwad – 580003, India
e-mail: shakkukalakoti1@gmail.com
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