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Uniqueness of entire function and its linear differential polynomial


In this paper we investigate the uniqueness problem of entire function \(f\) and its linear differential polynomial
a_{k}\left( z\right) f^{\left( k\right) }+a_{k-1}\left( z\right) f^{\left(k-1\right) }+\cdots+a_{1}\left( z\right) f'
sharing an entire function \(a\equiv a\left( z\right)\) counting multiplicities(CM) with
\sigma \left( a\right) <\sigma \left( f\right)
under some restrictions imposed on the coefficients \(a_{j}\left( z\right) \left( {j=1,2,\dots,k}\right)\). Our result improves and generalizes some earlier results.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:

30D35, 34M03, 34M05


order growth, entire function, value sharing, linear differential polynomial

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Author Details

Manab Biswas

Department of Mathematics
Kalimpong College
P.O. Kalimpong, Dist-Kalimpong
PIN-734301, West Bengal, India

Dilip Ch. Pramanik

Department of Mathematics
University of North Bengal
Raja Rammohanpur, Dist-Darjeeling
PIN-734013, West Bengal, India


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