Uniqueness of a power of an entire function with its differential-difference polynomials sharing a value CM

In this paper, we investigate the scenario when power of a transcendental entire function shares a value CM with its differential-difference polynomial. Our result extend and generalize a recent result of Adud and Chakraborty [1].
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:
30D30, 30D20, 30D35Keywords
value sharing, weighted sharing, shift, difference polynomial
Author Details
Soumon Roy
Nevanlinna Lab, Department of Mathematics
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College
Rahara, West Bengal 700 118, India
e-mail: rsoumon@gmail.com
Sudip Saha
Department of Mathematics
Brainware University
Barasat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 125, India
e-mail: sudipsaha814@gmail.com
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