Solution stability of parabolic optimal control problems with fixed state-distribution of the controls
The paper presents results about strong metric subregularity of the optimality mapping associated with the system of first order necessary optimality conditions for a problem of optimal control of a semilinear parabolic equation. The control has a predefined spacial distribution and only the magnitude at any time is a subject of choice. The obtained conditions for subregularity imply, in particular, sufficient optimality conditions that extend the known ones.
The paper is complementary to a companion one by the same authors, in which a distributed control is considered.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:
49N60, 49K20, 35K58Keywords
optimal control, parabolic PDE, stability with respect to perturbations
Author Details
Alberto Domínguez Corella
Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Vienna University of Technology
1040 Vienna, Austria
Nicolai Jork
Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Vienna University of Technology
1040 Vienna, Austria
Vladimir M. Veliov
Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Vienna University of Technology
1040 Vienna, Austria
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